Medium is the Message."
Marshall McLuhan (1960) Does
the medium overshadow the message? Only if we let it. One
thing for sure; every message depends on some medium to deliver
it. How do you want your message delivered? Bicycle, limousine,
or rocket?! Sometimes a bicycle works just fine even
a message wrapped around a rock and tossed through the window
can do the trick! So what is Media Awakening? It's the
"enlightened" messenger. We all expect more
from the world because the world is asking so much
more from us! We expect the messenger to know the answers. The evolution
of media continues from the Gutenberg Printing Press
in the 15th century, Bell's telephone in the 19th century,
to radio and television in the 20th century, and now the internet
bringing in the 21st century so where is it leading
us? Just as McLuhan predicted a "Global Village" the technological
advancement of media is bringing us full circle we
now can join in on a "fireside" encounter and experience the
sights, sounds, and the interaction of the message at its
very source. We can even participate in the message. |